The most common cause for your breath to smell bad is bacteria on the tongue and teeth. These bacteria cause gum and bone disease, toxic chemicals and produce unpleasant smells. For instance rotten egg, fecal, metallic and rotting cabbage. They are called volatile sulphur compounds or VSC’s and indicate that there is presence of an … Continue reading Why does my breath smell bad?
What causes bad breath & the impact
The most common cause of bad breath is bacteria on the tongue and teeth. These bacteria cause gum and bone disease, toxic chemicals and produce unpleasant smells. For instance rotten egg, fecal, metallic and rotting cabbage. They are called volatile sulphur compounds or VSC’s and indicate that there is presence of an oral infection. In … Continue reading What causes bad breath & the impact
Gum disease & Bad breath
Alison Logee RDH - Dental Hygiene Wellness Centre - is certified to dispense the Oravital® System. Oravital® is a powerful diagnostic and treatment protocol for oral infections, including gingivitis, (sensitive or bleeding gums), periodontitis, (gum disease) and halitosis, (chronic bad breath). What is Oravital®? The Oravital® System features comprehensive microbiology diagnostics and targeted topical medication, to … Continue reading Gum disease & Bad breath
Why gums bleed, in simple terminology…. a real motivator!
Every time I clean a child’s teeth, I hand them a mirror and ask them to show me where their gums are bleeding. I want to know that they know how to recognize gum disease. I remove a little bit of plaque from the teeth and explain, “This is what’s making your gums sick and … Continue reading Why gums bleed, in simple terminology…. a real motivator!
Gum disease is contagious
By Alison Logee, RDH, Ayurveda and Reiki Practitioner Bleeding, puffy gums also known as gum disease, is caused by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can be transferred from one mouth to another. guessed it, from kissing. Not everyone will contract an oral bacterium in this manner because your mouth must be a “host”, … Continue reading Gum disease is contagious