An important factor to consider, when evaluating the state of your oral health, is the PH of your saliva. A healthy PH level should read between 6.5–7. PH levels lower than 6.0, is an indication that the body’s environment is more acidic than it should. More often than not, I will see PH levels, lower … Continue reading Consider your Oral PH
Oral Cancer screening….easy as dye.
One American dies every hour from oral cancer, a death rate remained unchanged for over 40 years and is higher than that of cervical cancer, Hodgkin's disease, cancer of the brain, liver, testes, kidney, or ovary. More than 30,000 Americans will receive an oral cancer diagnosis this year and in five years, only 57% will … Continue reading Oral Cancer screening….easy as dye.
Recommended nutrients for a healthy mouth
Most of us are familiar with apples, milk, cheese, sugar-free and sugarless snacks as being healthy choices for our teeth. Following, are several recommended nutrients to also help improve and support oral health: Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, Coenzyme Q 10, Grapeseed extract and Vitamin E, are required for collagen formation in healthy gums and have anti-inflammatory … Continue reading Recommended nutrients for a healthy mouth
Your mouth: The Gatekeeper to Nutrition
Good nutrition is the building block for oral and general health. Your mouth is the pathway to the rest of your body, so if you are having trouble chewing due to sore teeth, irritated gums or tongue, your appetite, diet and nutritional status will be directly affected. These kinds of discomforts inhibit your ability to … Continue reading Your mouth: The Gatekeeper to Nutrition
An Eco-friendly dental hygiene practice?
We’ve heard of being environmentally conscientious and hopefully we’re all contributing in some way. So how does the Dental Hygiene Wellness Centre in St.Eugene, Ontario, play a role in all of this? All oral care products used in preventative dental hygiene appointments contain antiseptic herbs and essential oils that are organically certified. Alison Logee, Registered … Continue reading An Eco-friendly dental hygiene practice?