We’ve heard of being environmentally conscientious and hopefully we’re all contributing in some way. So how does the Dental Hygiene Wellness Centre in St.Eugene, Ontario, play a role in all of this? All oral care products used in preventative dental hygiene appointments contain antiseptic herbs and essential oils that are organically certified. Alison Logee, Registered … Continue reading An Eco-friendly dental hygiene practice?
Category: Eco-friendly Dental Hygiene
An Independent Dental Hygiene Practice
In the province of Ontario, people wishing to have their teeth cleaned by a Dental Hygienist without the barrier of seeing a Dentist first, has been optional since September 2007. Dental hygiene is a regulated profession governed by the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario. Many people will not see a Dentist due to fear, … Continue reading An Independent Dental Hygiene Practice